Deathly Hallows


J.K. Rowling final Harry Potter issue will bare the title ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’.

Trying to understand the reasons thereof should not be too complicated, especially after reading the issue things are bound to fall in to place.

Deathly is to be expected, as we can be sure that before the end of the 7th book, at least one person will have died. Question is, what side will the person be on…

Hollow however is a word that requires some additional pondering:

The definition of "Hallow" is something that has been "made holy, sanctified, consecrated". What consecrated place in the Harry Potter stories could this refer to? Could it be the Hallowed Halls of Hogwarts? Or perhaps, does this refer to Godric's Hollow, the place where it all started?

"Hallowed" can also mean "honored", as in a "hallowed battlefield". What place in the Harry Potter stories could that refer to? From Voldemort's viewpoint, that could be the place he was reborn. Will Harry and Voldemort return there to fight the ultimate battle?

A human soul would definitely be considered holy. Is it possible that these "consecrated" places are the remaining hiding places of the remnants of Tom Riddle's immortal soul, Voldemort's horcruxes?

Does Harry's journey into the Deathly Hallows mean, as we have been suspecting, that most of Book 7 will not take place at Hogwarts?

On the other hand, what if the Hallowed ground refers to a place that honors, or was made special by, a Hogwarts founder? Could one of these hallowed places be the Chamber of Secrets?

The word Hallow can also be a verb. Is it possible Harry will go around Hallowing certain places as he destroys the horcruxes, and finally Voldemort himself?

Perhaps most important of all, if the Hallows are " deathly", who's death are we talking about? Harry or Voldemort?